Phraseological Units with Color Components in the French Language: A Semantic and Cultural Analysis



Ключевые слова:

French phraseological units, Color symbolism, Cultural linguistics, Translation challenges, Cognitive linguistics


This article explores the linguistic, semantic, and cultural significance of color-based phraseological units (PUs) in the French language. Colors in French PUs serve as powerful linguistic tools, symbolizing emotions, societal norms, and historical narratives. Through a detailed analysis of common colors such as blue, red, black, and green, this study reveals how these elements function syntactically and convey complex cultural meanings. The challenges of translating French color PUs into other languages are examined, highlighting the difficulties in preserving symbolic meaning and cultural context. This article aims to deepen the understanding of color symbolism in French phraseology and its role in shaping linguistic expression.


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Как цитировать

Aliyeva, A. (2024). Phraseological Units with Color Components in the French Language: A Semantic and Cultural Analysis. Global Spectrum of Research and Humanities, 1(2), 14-25.

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