The Art of the Epic: Stylistic Mastery in Beowulf




Beowulf, Alliteration, Kennings, Anglo-Saxon poetry, Heroism and mortality


Beowulf is a cornerstone of English literature, celebrated not only for its heroic narrative but also for its stylistic innovations that have influenced poetic traditions. This article explores the poem’s use of key stylistic devices, including alliteration, kennings, variation, and parallelism, which enhance its oral recitation, thematic depth, and emotional resonance. By blending heroic grandeur with elegiac reflection, Beowulf captures the values and existential concerns of the Anglo-Saxon world. Recurring symbols such as monsters, treasure, and the sea underscore the epic’s themes of mortality, loyalty, and human struggle. Additionally, the poem’s stylistic and thematic legacy is traced through its influence on later works, from Chaucer to modern fantasy literature. This study underscores Beowulf’s enduring relevance and its pivotal role in shaping the English literary tradition.


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How to Cite

Alisoy, H. (2025). The Art of the Epic: Stylistic Mastery in Beowulf. Global Spectrum of Research and Humanities , 2(1), 34-43.