
Naxçıvan Dövlət Universiteti

Elbrus İsayev
Rector of Nakhchivan State University,
PhD in History, Associate Professor

Deputy Editor-in-Chief:
Elsevər Əsədov
Vice-Rector for Science and Innovations at Nakhchivan State University,
PhD in Biology, Associate Professor

Əli Həşimov
Head of the Department of Scientific Activity Organization and Analysis at Nakhchivan State University,
PhD in Philology, Associate Professor

Section Editors

History, Anthropology, and Political Science:
Hacıfəxrəddin Yəhya oğlu Səfərli
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

Philosophy and Law:
Məmməd Hüseyn oğlu Rzayev
Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor

Natural Sciences:
Tariyel Hüseynəli oğlu Talıbov
Doctor of Biological Sciences, Full Member of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

Mathematics and Mechanics:
Cavanşir İbrahim oğlu Zeynalov
Doctor of Mathematical Sciences, Professor

Teymur Abbas oğlu Abbasov
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor

Medical and Health Sciences:
İsa Əli oğlu Abdullayev
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor

Art Criticism and Architectural Sciences:
İnara Eldar qızı Məhərrəmova
Doctor of Art Criticism, Associate Professor

Sədaqət Qurbanəli qızı Həsənova
Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor

Pedagogy, Psychology, and Methodology:
Taleh Fərman oğlu Xəlilov
PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor

Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences:
Mahir Musa oğlu Məhərrəmov
PhD in Biology, Associate Professor

Editorial Board Members

Philological Sciences:

  • İsa Əkbər oğlu Həbibbəyli – Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor, Full Member of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
  • Möhsün Zellabdin oğlu Nağısoylu – Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor, Full Member of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
  • Əbülfəz Aman oğlu Quliyev – Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
  • Əsgər Nadir oğlu Qədimov – Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor
  • Arif Mamo oğlu Ağalarov – PhD in Philology, Associate Professor
  • İman Zeynalabdın oğlu Cəfərov – PhD in Philology, Associate Professor
  • Nicat Əsgər oğlu Yaqubov – PhD in Philology
  • Şirməmməd Qüdrət oğlu Qulubəyli – PhD in Philology, Associate Professor
  • Ramazan Qorxmaz – Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor (Maltepe University, Turkey)
  • Mişel Bozdəmir – Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor (INALCO - National Institute, France)

Psychology and Pedagogical Sciences:

  • İsmayıl İsrafil oğlu Əliyev – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor
  • Bəxtiyar Həmzə oğlu Əliyev – PhD in Psychology, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
  • Müseyib İbrahim oğlu İlyasov – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor
  • Zərövşən Yaşar qızı Babayeva – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor
  • Sevinc Vasif qızı Orucova – PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor
  • Bəhruz Qibləli oğlu Məmmədov – PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor
  • Çapay Qadir oğlu Quliyev – PhD in Psychology

Art Criticism and Architectural Sciences:

  • Tariyel Aydın oğlu Məmmədov – Doctor of Art Criticism, Professor
  • Aynur Elhan Nayir – Doctor of Art Criticism, Professor (Necmettin Erbakan University, Turkey)
  • Səidə Müslüm qızı Məmmədova – Professor of Art Criticism
  • Günay Abbas qızı Məmmədova – PhD in Art Criticism, Associate Professor
  • Gülnarə Qəzənfər qızı Qənbərova – PhD in Architecture, Associate Professor
  • Qadir Əli oğlu Əliyev – PhD in Architecture, Associate Professor
  • Gülxarə Mənaf qızı Əhmədova – PhD in Philology, Associate Professor

History, Anthropology, and Political Science:

  • İsmayıl Muxtar oğlu Hacıyev – Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Full Member of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
  • Şahin Fazil oğlu Fərzəliyev – Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor
  • İbrahim Ethem Atnur – Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor (National Defense University, Turkey)
  • Emin Arif oğlu Şıxəliyev – Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor
  • Xəzər Allahverdi oğlu Hüseynov – Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor
  • Elman Yusif oğlu Cəfərli – PhD in History, Associate Professor
  • Şamxal Şükür oğlu Məmmədov – PhD in History, Associate Professor
  • Elçin Dağbəyi oğlu Zamanov – PhD in History, Associate Professor

Philosophy, Law, and Political Science:

  • Əmir İbrahim oğlu Əliyev – Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor
  • Qərib Vəli oğlu Allahverdiyev – Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor
  • Azər Xoşbəxt oğlu Mustafayev – Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor
  • Yusif Hüseyn oğlu Hüseynov – Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor
  • Timçenko Leonid Dmitriyeviç – Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor
  • Cavid Sədulla oğlu Abdullazadə – Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor
  • Anar Ramiz oğlu Bağırov – PhD in Law
  • Qəhrəman Novruz oğlu Behbudov – PhD in Law, Associate Professor
  • Vüqar Gəncəli oğlu Rəhimzadə – Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor
  • Elnarə İslam qızı Allahverdiyeva – PhD in Political Science

Economic Sciences:

  • Ağarza Ağahəsən oğlu Rüstəmov – Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor
  • Nazim Hidayət oğlu Əhmədov – Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor
  • Yuliya Vasiliyevna Cutceva – PhD in Economics, Associate Professor (Russian State Agrarian University)
  • Müslüm Əli oğlu Cabbarzadə – PhD in Economics, Associate Professor
  • Əşrəf Umud oğlu Ələkbərov – PhD in Economics, Associate Professor
  • Cavadxan Yusif oğlu Qasımov – PhD in Economics, Associate Professor
  • Elton Yulət oğlu İbrahimov – PhD in Economics, Associate Professor

Medical Sciences:

  • Qalib Şolan oğlu Qarayev – Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor
  • Lalə İsmayıl qızı Allahverdiyeva – Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor
  • Cabbar Niyətulla oğlu Hacıyev – Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor
  • Çingiz Rəhim oğlu Rəhimov – Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor
  • Erkut Attar – Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor (Yeditepe University, Turkey)
  • İlyas Yolbaş – Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor (Gaziantep University, Turkey)
  • Cengiz Ara – Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor (Malatya University, Turkey)
  • Məhbubə Nəbi qızı Vəliyeva – Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor
  • Müşviq Cəlal oğlu Həsənov – Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor
  • İlhamə Rafiq qızı Mustafayeva – PhD in Medical Sciences, Associate Professor
  • Gültəkin Budaq qızı Əliyeva – PhD in Medical Sciences, Associate Professor
  • Rauf Mehralı oğlu Cəfərov – PhD in Medical Sciences
  • Elmar İlqar oğlu Rzayev – PhD in Medical Sciences, Associate Professor

Mathematical and Mechanical Sciences:

  • Sabir Sultanağa oğlu Mirzəyev – Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor
  • Yaqub Yaqub oğlu Məmmədov – Doctor of Mathematical Sciences, Professor
  • Klaus Haenssgen – Doctor of Mathematical Sciences, Professor (Leipzig Technical University, Germany)
  • Sahib Əli oğlu Əliyev – PhD in Mathematics, Associate Professor
  • Məhəmməd İman oğlu Namazov – PhD in Mathematics, Associate Professor
  • Məftun İsmayıl oğlu İsmayılov – PhD in Mathematics, Associate Professor
  • Cabir Hüseyn oğlu Əsədov – PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor (Russian State Agrarian University)

Physics and Astronomy Sciences:

  • Soltan Əli oğlu Əliyev – Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor
  • Qulu Əhməd oğlu Həziyev – PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor
  • Fərman Rza oğlu Qocayev – PhD in Physics, Associate Professor
  • Billurə Təvəkkül qızı Hacıyeva – PhD in Physics, Associate Professor
  • Aygün Hacı qızı Sultanova – PhD in Physics, Associate Professor
  • Məftun Eynulla oğlu Əliyev – PhD in Physics, Associate Professor

Biology and Agrarian Sciences:

  • Əlövsət Gülüş oğlu Quliyev – Doctor of Agrarian Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
  • Saleh Heydər oğlu Məhərrəmov – Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
  • Etibar Nəsrulla oğlu Məmmədov – Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor
  • Daşqın Şahbaz oğlu Qənbərov – Doctor of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor
  • Sevgi Kolaylı – Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor (Turkey)
  • Oktay Yıldız – Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor (Turkey)
  • Həbib Təyyar oğlu Hüseynov – PhD in Biology, Associate Professor

Chemistry Sciences:

  • Tofiq Abbasəli oğlu Əliyev – Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
  • Yasin Nağı oğlu Babayev – Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor
  • Ələddin Dəyyan oğlu Abbasov – Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor, Corresponding Member of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
  • Hacalı Nəcəf oğlu Nəcəfov – Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor
  • Pərvin Heydər oğlu Quliyev – PhD in Chemistry

Geography and Soil Science:

  • Zakir Naim oğlu Eminov – Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor
  • Nəriman Əziz oğlu Paşayev – Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor
  • Lətifə Mədət qızı Novruzova – PhD in Geography, Associate Professor